Soccer registration is now open

Soccer registration is now open for the possible upcoming 2021 outdoor season.  

Right now things look promising. However the SCSA and it’s member CC’s are awaiting instruction from the Province of Manitoba, the MSA & WYSA as to whether or not there will be an outdoor soccer season. 

 The Community Centre would rather be totally prepared for the season to start up, rather than scrambling with late registrations to fill holes and form the teams. 

We are registering players to gauge the interest from Our community. No payment is required to register your child. Should we receive a green light for an outdoor season then and only then would payment be required through our online registration form. 

This registration link is for U9 (2012) to U18 (2003) only:

If you have any questions or need help with registration please contact Todd, Sturgeon Heights CC soccer convenor at: