COVID-19 Policy


You will find many COVID-19 safety measures in place at Sturgeon Heights Community Centre such as mandatory masks and COVID-19 immunization verification policies. We sanitize in between programs and separate washrooms and entrances with multiple events for your safety. 

Before you visit

Effective September 3, 2021 , proof of COVID-19 immunization is now required to visit Sturgeon Heights Community Centre. This follows the lead of City of Winnipeg run facilities such as pools and arenas. Everyone entering the Sturgeon Heights Community Centre is required to provide proof of immunization and corresponding photo ID.

Sturgeon Heights Community Centre remains closed to the public but open for select events and programming. 

Individuals that do not show proof of immunization will not be permitted to enter the facility or participate in indoor programming with some exemptions.

Customers are required to bring a piece of government-issued ID to confirm that their identity matches their COVID-19 immunization card.

Face masks are also required. Also, anyone with COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to not enter our facilities. 

Please do not visit the Sturgeon Heights Community Centre if you:

  • are feeling ill and/or experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose/congestion, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste and/or smell, sore muscles not related to overexertion or exercise.
  • have had close contact (within 2 metres) with a confirmed case of COVID-19, or if someone in your household has.
  • In the last 14 days, have you returned:
    • From a Canadian province/territory and you have less than two COVID vaccinations or it has been less than two weeks since your second COVID vaccination?
    • From non-essential travel outside Canada